Exclusive offer : Enjoy a box  of  Tapers Candles for the purchase of a Perfume 100ml with code AMOURFOU

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Trudon's story begins in 1643. Let's go back in time and discover the history of the House.

From 1643 to 1719

  • 1643

    Saint Honoré

    Claude Trudon becomes the owner of a store on rue Saint Honoré in Paris. There he sells spices and candles.

  • 1702


    Michel Brice Péan de Saint Gilles founds the manufacture for the whitening of waxes and the manufacturing of candles in the town of Antony, south of Paris.

  • 1719


    The manufacture becomes a Royal Manufacture, the one and only candle manufacture to ever obtain this title.

From 1737 to 1889

  • 1737


    As a Trudon heir, Jérôme Trudon buys the Royal Wax Manufacture, in Antony. The manufacture innovates and perfects the art of manufacturing perfectly white beeswax candles. Its moto becomes “DEO REGIQUE LABORANT”, which means: “They work for God and the King.”, “they” being the bees.

  • 1811

    Imperial Candles

    The manufacture supplies the Imperial court of France.

  • 1889

    World Exposition

    The Carrière brothers, successors of the Trudon family and knowhow, obtain a gold medal for the innovation brought to their candles.

From 2007 to 2018

  • 2007

    Scented Stories

    At the crossroad between knowhow and History, the Trudon candles are born.

  • 2017


    Creation of five first Trudon perfumes.

  • 2018

    Protect the Bees

    Trudon launches it bee conservancy program in collaboration with the Orne Dark Bee Conservancy and the Perche regional Nature Park.